Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 9372
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2008
Main Partner: CARE International
Main Partner Program: South Africa
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $2,250,000

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $2,250,000

Summary: CARE South Africa's Deepening and Expanding Local Links Project (DELL) is a follow on activity

to CARE's Local Links Project, Track 1. The two projects will be implemented concurrently in FY 09 with

funding separately managed. In FY 2010 Local Links programming will be integrated into DELL. In

Limpopo, DELL will be implemented in Mopani and Sekhukuneland districts and expand to Vhembe district.

In the Free State, implementation in Motheo district will be discontinued, and scaled up in Thabo

Mofutsyane District. The proposed expansion into Ehlanzeni Region of Mpumalanga will not be effected.

DELL's goal is for OVC and their caregivers to access and use a wide range of high-quality, comprehensive

services from government and civil society institutions.

Background:DELL will be implemented through 9 new sub-partners and 4 district or local municipalities.

Two sub-categories of implementing partners will be contracted. Technical Partners (totaling 5) - who are

able to scale up their reach directly and /or mentor smaller community based organizations (CBO) will be

supported to recruit professionally qualified nurses and a social worker to ensure sustainable access to

skilled staff. The technical partners will also provide services to OVC in their operational areas. 4 New

CBOs (referred to as Implementing Partners) will be contracted to only provide services to OVC and their

caregivers. OVC focal posts will be funded and supported to develop 4 district or local municipalities'

capacity to coordinate services, ensure OVC needs are integrated into local plans and budgets, provide

further support and access to training and funding opportunities to CBO and improve the coordination

function of relevant government -civil society structures.

Activities and Expected Results: Objective 1-CBOs provide access to a core package of services to meet

the needs and rights of OVC. Three outputs are envisaged: a) a minimum package of core services will be

agreed upon with sub-grantees which will be developed through building their own capacity or building

linkages to ensure effective referrals; b) CBOs deliver high quality services through ensuring OVC access

comprehensive coordinated services through placing critical technical capacity like social workers, nurses in

the Technical Partners to provide skilled and consistent outreach to Implementing Partners and ;c) Referral

Systems are established and tracked. A local municipal and district based multi- sectoral mapping of

services will be undertaken with Government Departments and CBOs. CARE's economic work with the

OVC caregivers is well established, its adaptation to reach adolescents and youth will be strengthened

through ensuring that the head office based Economic Support Coordinator is experienced in working with

youth. Older OVC access to HIV/AIDS related services will be strengthened through placing 3 youth

counselors in strategic clinics (funded through Track 1). Objective 2-The economic Security of OVC and

their families and caregivers is strengthened. Households with OVC will have more diversified and

sustainable livelihoods through a)using their income grants productively through engaging in CARE's

savings and lending model (VSL), and supported to develop income generating activities (IGA); b)develop

the regulatory mechanism to ensure compliance with South African Financial Service Act and beneficiaries

are provided with other means to grow their savings; c)the social support function of the VSL groups is

strengthened by CBO and other stakeholders through making technical input into the groups; and d)the

adaptation of VSL and IGA for older OVC. 400 Caregivers will be trained and supported to save; 100 youth

will engage in viable income security activities. Objective 3-Local government policy and implementation

environment is enhanced to further benefit of OVC and their caregivers. CARE will place 4 OVC Focal

persons in District or Local Municipalities to develop government's capacity to respond to OVC needs and

develop policy and program decision that support OVC and their caregivers. The OVC Focal persons will

coordinate OVC services and data, participate in and strengthen relevant structures to build effective

referral and support networks; provide hands on support to CBOs and develop district database to inform

Integrated Development Plans and Budgets; and to address bottlenecks in government service delivery.

CARE will document at least one promising practice. Objective 4-Organizational capacity of implementing

and technical partners is strengthened, to ensure long term sustainability, self reliance and maximize project

impact. DELL will focus on institutional strengthening of implementing partners to ensure enhanced

strategic leadership; improved institutional planning and monitoring thereof, stronger governance and

human resource management capacity; and increased resource mobilization and financial management

capacities. The overall organizational framework for ensuring the long term sustainability of implementing

partners recognizes the value of small CBO to reach marginalized farming communities. These groups will

be supported to provide peer learning and coordinated into a network. Partners and related government

stakeholders will participate in a national Project Steering Committee and capacity development initiatives

as required, to enable the Committee to increasingly take strategic oversight of the project.

CROSS CUTTING ISSUES: CARE will undertake a baseline study of OVC needs and service satisfaction.

To reduce CARE and partner staff and volunteer caregiver turnover- CARE will build in incentives for staff

development like access to accredited training, provide protective clothing and systematize the care of

caregivers. DELL will contribute to PEPFAR 2-7-10 goals by improving access to quality care for12 500

OVC, train 600 caregivers, build sustainable local organizations and improve local and district government's

capacity to coordinate and provide services to OVC.